Certified Apartment Supplier Designation (CAS) 2020

If you’re a supplier of apartment products or services we recommend this!

Monday, April 13, 2020
9:00 AM (CDT)
to Monday, April 27, 2020 at 5:00 PM (CDT)
Week # 1 Via Zoom Week #2 Via Zoom
* Registration open until 4/15/20 at 12:00 AM (CST)
* Registration open until 4/15/20 at 12:00 AM (CST)

Gain inside apartment industry knowledge!


You must attend all four sessions

All modules instructed by Apartment All-Star Jackie Ramsteadt!  

Round One: Via Zoom
4/14: Day One: Industry Essentials and Resident Experience (CAS Module)
4/15: Day two:
4/16: Day Three: Risk (CAS Module)
Round Two: Via Zoom
4/27: Day One: Financial (CAS Module)
04/28: Day Two: Legal (Fair Housing) (CAS Module)

Earning CAS allows you to network with your peers from other companies, learn about the bene ts and activities your local apartment association offers, and engage in apartment association meetings and events. The course is an opportunity for suppliers to hear the everyday challenges faced by apartment-manager customers.

You’ll learn about:

• Applicant screening, leasing contracts, and move-ins

• Rent collection, lease renewal, the move-out process, lease termination, and eviction

• Property management systems and their functions

• How community managers create a positive fair housing environment

• Minimizing risk through inspections, preventive maintenance, safety programs, and documentation

• Addressing property and environmental hazards and crime

• Analyzing property nancial operations and underperformance

• Monitoring property performance to achieve an owner’s investment goals

• Maximizing net operating income

* Registration open until 4/15/20 at 12:00 AM (CST)
* Registration open until 4/15/20 at 12:00 AM (CST)

You must attend all four sessions

4/14, 4/16 & 4/28 4/29

For More Information: